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- Ingvar Bratt, a former Bofors engineer who revealed himself as the anonymous source in the Bofors Scandal about illegal weapon exports. An act that led to a new Swedish law (SFS 1990:409) concerning company secrets which commonly is referred to as Lex Bratt.
- Gerald W. Brown, a former firestop contractor and consultant, uncovered the Thermo-lag circuit integrity scandal and silicone foam scandals in US and Canadian nuclear power plants, which led to Congressional proceedings as well as Provincial proceedings in the Canadian Province of Ontario concerning deficiencies in passive fire protection.
- Pascal Diethelm and Jean-Charles Rielle, Swiss tobacco control advocates and alumni from the University of Geneva who revealed the secret ties of Ragnar Rylander, professor of environmental health, to the tobacco industry. In a public statement made in 2001, Pascal Diethelm and Jean-Charles Rielle accused Rylander of being "secretly employed by Philip Morris" and qualified of "scientific fraud without precedent" the concealment of his links with the tobacco industry for a period of 30 years, during which he publicly presented himself as an independent scientist, while obeying orders given by Philip Morris executives and lawyers, publishing articles and organizing symposia which denied or trivialized the toxicity of secondhand smoke. After a long trial, which went up to the supreme court of Switzerland, all accusations were found to be true.[1] http://www.prevention.ch/ryjue151203.pdf
Following this judgment, the University of Geneva prohibited its members from soliciting research subsidies or direct or indirect consultancies with the tobacco industry.[2] http://www.prevention.ch/rye060904.pdf
- Duncan Edmonds, a Canadian civil servant who in 1984 reported to his chief, the top Canadian civil servant, that Minister of Defence Robert Coates had visited a West German strip club while on an official mission, with NATO documents in his possession, creating a security risk. Coates was asked to resign from Cabinet by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who also fired Edmonds and made him persona non grata in government circles.[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sawatsky
- A. Ernest Fitzgerald, a U.S. Department of Defense auditor who was fired in 1973 by President Richard M. Nixon for exposing to Congress the tidal wave of cost overruns associated with Lockheed's C-5A cargo plane. After protracted litigation he was reinstated to the civil service and continued to report cost overruns and military contractor fraud, including discovery in the 1980s that the Air Force was being charged $400 for hammers and $600 for toilet seats. Mr. Fitzgerald retired from the Defense Department in 2006. [4] "What's New" Archives
- Bunnatine "Bunny" H. Greenhouse, a former chief civilian contracting officer for the United States Army Corps of Engineers who exposed illegality in the no-bid contracts for reconstruction in Iraq by a Halliburton subsidiary.[5] washingtonpost.com - A Web of Truth
- Janet Howard, Tanya Ward Jordan and Joyce E. Megginson, who blew the whistle on widespread systemic racism and retaliation within the Department of Commerce against African-American employees.[6] Federal Employees Legal Defense Fund
- Mark Klein, a retired communications technician for AT&T, revealed the details of his personal knowledge of the secret 2003 construction of a monitoring facility in Room 641A of 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco, the site of a large SBC phone building, three floors of which are occupied by AT&T. The facility is alleged to be one of several operated by the National Security Agency as part of the warrantless surveillance undertaken by the Bush administration in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.[7] "Spying on the Home Front" - Interview with Mark Klein"
& http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/homefront/interviews/klein.html
- Robert MacLean, a U.S. Federal Air Marshal who exposed the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in 2003, for an agency-wide plan to remove Federal Air Marshals from nonstop, long distance flights for two months in order to avoid expenditures associated with air marshals lodging in hotels overnight. The plan was formulated in response to a budget shortfall due to overspending. The plan was formulated three days after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued an Advisory that warned the airline industry and law enforcement of a suicide hijacking plot in which terrorists would exploit U.S. immigration and airport security loopholes. After outrage from U.S. Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton[8], Charles Schumer[9], Barbara Boxer[10], and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney[11], TSA's plan was rescinded before becoming operational. MacLean was fired after DHS discovered he disclosed the plan.[12]
- Myron Mehlman, a toxicologist who in 1989 warned managers at Mobil that the company's gasoline that was being sold in Japan contained benzene in excess of 5 percent, and that levels needed to be reduced. Upon his return to the United States, he was fired. He later successfully sued the company.[13]
- Paul Moore, an executive at the UK bank HBOS who in 2005 was fired, allegedly after warning his senior colleagues that the company's sales strategy was at odds with prudent management. In 2009 Moore spoke out about his warnings to the Treasury Select Committee of parliament during its investigation into the turmoil in the UK banking system [14].
- Dr Rita Pal is a UK NHS Whistleblower. Raised issues of patient neglect on Ward 87 North Staffordshire NHS Trust Stoke on Trent in 1998. Professor Steve Bolsin's report is detailed here[15] and 2001 Internal Report into the ward is detailed [16]. Concerns raised with the General Medical Council UK but investigation reversed on the whistleblower. The GMC raised the spectre of mental illness to discredit the whistleblowing issues. Dr Pal subsequently sued in libel.[17] R Pal v General Medical Council, Sarah Bedwell, Peter Lynn and Catherine Green is the first libel case in the history of the GMC and Dr Pal won on strike out and settled by a whistleblower. Dr Pal have also whistleblown in the London Sunday Times 2 April 2000[18] Currently Dr Pal edits and features matters exclusively related to the NHS on [19] [20] She also writes http://www.ward87.blogspot.com, a website outlining her experiences on whistleblowing as well as other tales.
- Wendell Potter is the former head of corporate communications at CIGNA, one of the nation’s largest health insurance companies. In June 2009 he testified against the HMO industry in the US Senate as a whistleblower[2][3].
- Ramin Pourandarjani, an Iranian physician, reported on the state use of torture on political prisoners. He died of poisoning shortly thereafter.[4]
- William Sanjour, a whistleblower at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for over 20 years who also wrote on whistleblower protection issues.[21] He won a landmark law suit against the federal government which established the First Amendment rights of federal employees to "blow the whistle" on their employer. [Sanjour v. EPA,56 F.3d 85 (D.C. Cir. 1995)(en banc)]
- Mordechai Vanunu[22][23] who revealed Israel's clandestine nuclear program to the British press in 1986. He spent seventeen and a half years in prison as a result, the first eleven of these in solitary confinement. After his release, sanctions were placed on him: among others, he was not allowed to leave Israel or speak to foreigners. The sanctions have been renewed every twelve months. At present, he is appealing a further six month prison sentence imposed by an Israeli court for having spoken to foreigners and foreign press.
- Frederic Whitehurst, a chemist at the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation who was the FBI Laboratory's foremost expert on explosives residue in the 1990s, and became the first modern-day FBI whistleblower. He reported a lack of scientific standards and serious flaws in the FBI Lab, including in the first World Trade Center bombing cases and the Oklahoma City bombing case. Dr. Whitehurst's whistleblower disclosures triggered an overhaul of the FBI's crime lab following a report by the U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General in 1997. Dr. Whitehust filed a federal lawsuit claiming whistleblower retaliation, and he reached a settlement with the FBI worth more than $1.16 million. [24] Whitehurst now directs the FBI Oversight Project of the National Whistleblower Center.
- Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, who exposed irregularities at the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crime Lab.
- ^ http://www.prevention.ch/ryjue151203.pdf
- ^ http://www.prevention.ch/rye060904.pdf
- ^ The Insiders: Government, Business, and the Lobbyists, by John Sawatsky, 1987)
- ^ "What's New" Archives
- ^ washingtonpost.com - A Web of Truth
- ^ Federal Employees Legal Defense Fund
- ^ Frontline (2007-01-09). ""Spying on the Home Front" - Interview with Mark Klein". Public Broadcasting System. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/homefront/interviews/klein.html. Retrieved 2007-08-15.

- ^ "Senator Clinton Reiterates Call on TSA to Justify Security Cuts at Nation’s Airports". Official Site of the U.S. Senate. 2003-07-30. http://clinton.senate.gov/news/statements/details.cfm?id=235267&&. Retrieved 2007-06-03.
- ^ "Top al Qaeda operative told of possible hijackings". CNN. 2003-07-31. http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/07/30/airline.warning/index.html?iref=newssearch. Retrieved 2008-08-01.
- ^ "TSA in `witch hunt,' air marshals say". MSNBC. 2003-08-11. http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/linkscopy/TSAwitchHunt.html. Retrieved 2008-11-15.
- ^ "Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Request for Full Case Review" (PDF). Project On Government Oversight. 2006-10-20. http://www.pogoarchives.org/m/gp/gp-MacLean-10202006.pdf. Retrieved 2008-11-18.
- ^ Margasak, Larry (May 10, 2007). "U.S. Labels 2003 Memo 'Sensitive'". Associated Press. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2007-05-10-1106927580_x.htm. Retrieved 2007-05-10.
- ^ Horowitz, Joy (2007). "Razzle-Dazzle". Parts per million: the poisoning of Beverly Hills High School. Viking. pp. 151–152. ISBN 978-0670037988. http://books.google.ca/books?id=WjLUcoe5j00C&dq=parts+per+million%2Bhorowitz&q=Myron+Mehlman#v=snippet&q=Myron%20Mehlman&f=false.
- ^ "HBOS whistleblower probe demanded". BBC News. 2009-02-11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7882119.stm. Retrieved 2010-05-11.
- ^ http://www.nhsexposed.com/healthworkers/doctors/gmc/steve-bolsin-report.doc
- ^ NHS Exposed - The Truth Behind The White Coat - A Killing Field - Ward 87, City General Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent
- ^ [1]
- ^ Elderly are helped to die to clear beds, claims doctor
- ^ http://www.nhsexposed.com and the blog
- ^ NHS
- ^ Collected Papers of William Sanjour
- ^ BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/programmes/correspondent/transcripts/17_03_2003.txt. Retrieved 2010-05-11.
- ^ Capturing nuclear whistle-blower was `a lucky stroke,' agents recall - Haaretz - Israel News
- ^ CNN - FBI whistle-blower leaves, gets $1.16 million - February 27, 1998
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